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Dirt-poor--wildflowers among grass and leavesAlthough I did not know it, our family was close to dirt-poor during my early childhood. In addition to our share of my grandparents’ farm, Dad bought surrounding farmland.

Dirt-poor means extremely poor.

Since we had the basics for survival, we were not extremely poor. However, we had little cash and few luxuries.

Yet, who needed luxuries? The farm provided:

  • Woods and fields to explore
  • A large yard for play
  • Animals, a garden, and an orchard for food and milk

We also enjoyed lots of books (We were book poor too!), games, and family time.

Our financial resources grew over the years, but I would take nothing for those early lean years.

Rather than dirt poor, many families today are house poor.

They may not have much land, but they buy large houses with large mortgages to match. Like our young family, that leaves them little extra money.

Evidence fails to support a popular internet story that dirt poor relates to dirt floors.

Although it makes an interesting story, it offers no proof.

Financial wealth holds no eternal importance.

If all we do is hoard our money, it does no good. Remember, you can’t take it with you when you die.

Whether poor as a church mouse or filthy rich, let’s use the resources we have to make our world a better place.

“Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed” (Psalm 82:3 NIV).

Thanks to Gail Gosser for the suggestion.

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Hand Over Fist

Hand Over Fist

Hand Over Fist-two puppies pulling a ropeWhen puppies have a tug of war, they use their mouths. However, people pull with their hands. Each team wants to pull the other over a line between them. Team members pull by alternating hand over fist.

Today, hand over fist usually means a quick and continuous action.

Hand Over Fist--Boys in tug-of-warThis applies whether:

  • Playing tug of war
  • Climbing a rope
  • Pulling something or someone with a rope

According to The Phrase Finder, an earlier version was hand over hand and meant “making steady progress.” Steady progress may be slower. However, it often results in more secure and lasting results.

This expression frequently refers to people who make money hand over fist.

Shrewd financial decisions increase their wealth. They may not grab money with their hands, but they do profit from business deals. Many times, their gain means someone else’s loss. They fight with no holds barred.

 No decision or action should deliberately harm others.

The bottom line: If anyone suffers unnecessarily, the price is too high. Neither financial profit nor social gain are worth it. In a personal tug of war, let love for God and love for others pull every choice to the right side.

“The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (1 Timothy 6:10 NIV).

Thanks to Cindy Shoemaker for the suggestion. Images by Darby Browning and Stéphane CHADOURNE from Pixabay

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Putting on the Ritz

Putting on the Ritz

Putting on the Ritz-gold stars on a fine gold wire backgroundDuring Christmas, we see examples of putting on the Ritz all around us.

  • Elaborate decorations
  • Rich food
  • Lavish gifts (and lots of them)
  • Lovely lights

Those of us who usually live simple lives go overboard in December.

Putting on the Ritz refers to the Ritz Hotels.

Those hotels offer a life of luxury. Only the wealthy can afford them. Occasionally, we may save enough money to enjoy that lifestyle for a few days. Sadly, some of us charge now and pay much more than the original cost later.

Fred Astaire made the Irving Berlin song, “Putting on the Ritz” popular.

When we put on the Ritz, we act rich and stylish.

We may not be able to afford to live high on the hog. Yet, we pretend we can. We like special treatment. An occasional splurge may lift our spirits.

However, let’s never forget those who need the basics.

Many in our world don’t have enough food, heat, shelter, or clothing. This Christmas and throughout the year, let’s brighten their lives by sharing with them.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19-20 NIV).

Thanks to Lindy Pierce for the suggestion. Image by Annette Meyer from Pixabay

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High Cotton

High Cotton

High Cotton-cotton plant beneath blue skyWhether we know it or not, we probably wish we were in high cotton.

During the height of cotton’s growing season, fluffy fields of white appear throughout the southern United States. Growers hope for a successful crop.

When we achieve success, we are in high cotton.

  • Businesses earn a high profit.
  • Students make good grades.
  • Families enjoy the perfect home.
  • Children receive their favorite toys.

High cotton does not give us the right to act high and mighty.

Success does not make us any better or worse than anyone else. With an attitude of gratitude, we use our success to help other people succeed. Rather than a big head, we develop a big heart.

We want to bear fruit that makes a lasting impact.

We have only a few years on this earth. What we do with them makes an eternal difference.

Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all (1 Chronicles 29:12 NIV).

Thanks to James E. Hodges for the suggestion. Image by Clayton Decker from Pixabay.

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Small Potatoes

Small Potatoes

Small Potatoes - freshly dug potatoes of different sizesWhen gardeners dig potatoes, they usually look for lots of large ones. Small potatoes often get thrown away.

Grocery shoppers and cooks also prefer large potatoes most of the time.

Anything small or unimportant may be described as small potatoes.

 Most people consider them of little worth. In the business world, they might include:

Unfortunately, people frequently receive the small potatoes label too.

  • Children or youth
  • Older adults
  • Poor
  • Unemployed
  • Homeless
  • Disabled
  • Anyone different

Others often treat them like they are a dime a dozen.

Yet, small potatoes offer great benefits.

Freshly dug tiny potatoes taste better than larger ones. Unpeeled and cooked with fresh green beans, those small, tender spuds delight the taste buds.

Likewise, small moments, small items, and people of all sizes and backgrounds offer much. A saltshaker on our kitchen counter reads, “Happiness is found in little things.”

Never underestimate the power of the pint-sized. They may not carry great wealth or social status. However, many offer happiness neither wealth nor social status can give.

The God of creation loves everyone — a great plan for all creation to follow.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’” (Matthew 25:40 NIV).

Thanks to Carla Purvis for the suggestion. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

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Served on a Silver Platter

Served on a Silver Platter

Served on a Silver Platter--silver tea set on traySome people expect life served on a silver platter.

When they eat in fine restaurants, their food may be served on a silver platter (a large serving plate that symbolizes wealth). They eat high on the hog.

People who expect life served on a silver platter expect the best.

They don’t think they should ask for it. Instead, people should know and give them what they want. If they don’t receive what they want, they get upset.

Those people don’t want to work for it.

They think others should wait on them. They believe they deserve the best because of their:

  • Riches
  • Relationship with important people
  • History of being served

People with such expectations believe they are better than others.


Not everyone who expects life served on a silver platter is rich.

However, most have usually had their way. As a result, they think they should continue to get what they want when they want it.

Not every rich person expects life served on a silver platter.

Many wealthy people:

  • Share their riches
  • Work hard
  • Treat others with respect

Whether rich or poor as a church mouse, people can count their blessings and share those blessings with others. Serving others makes life so much better than serving self.

“Those who trust in their riches will fall, but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf” (Proverbs 11:28 NIV).

Thanks to Glenda Britton for the suggestion.

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You Can’t Take It with You

You Can’t Take It with You

You Can't Take It with You“You can’t take it with you.” “I’ve never seen a hearse with a trailer behind it.” Both expressions tell us that when we die, we leave our possessions behind.

So, why do we become so concerned about what we own? Those things won’t last.

What we spend most of our lives collecting will someday belong to someone else. Or they may be  thrown in the trash or recycled. Yet, we keep buying stuff we don’t need, trying to live high on the hog.

A missionary friend once laughed and said she enjoys “returning to America every four years to learn what the latest gadgets are that we cannot live without.”

She knows what matters most can’t be purchased with cash, check, or credit card:

  • The love of family
  • A true friend
  • Peace of mind
  • Purpose for living
  • An eternal home in heaven

A meaningful life has no price tag. Why not make our lives more meaningful? Instead of buying useless items, why not spend our money for:

  • Disaster relief
  • World hunger
  • Scholarships
  • Church and missions programs
  • Crisis ministries

We live on earth such a brief time. If you can’t take it with you, why worry about it now? Let’s invest in true riches!

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21 NIV).

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High on the Hog

High on the Hog

High on the HogSome people live and eat high on the hog. They enjoy the good life. They surround themselves with luxury.

Farmers who raise hogs (pigs) understand the expression. So do butchers who cut the meat. The best cuts of pork come from the back and upper parts of a pig’s leg. Therefore, we find the most expensive cuts high on the hog.

Wealthy people can afford to live high on the hog. Of course, the expression refers to more than their food. It includes a rich lifestyle:

  • Fancy homes and cars
  • Frequent world travel
  • Designer clothing
  • Expensive jewelry
  • The best of everything

Some wealthy people choose to live a simple lifestyle. They either save their money or share it. Others live high on the hog but also help those less fortunate.

Many people who can’t afford it try to live high on the hog. They buy on credit but can’t pay their bills. They get too big for their britches. They fail to consider the final cost – the bottom line.

Whether we live high on the hog or live off life’s scraps, we decide how we will use what we possess.

“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions” (Luke 12:15 NIV)

Thanks to Lori Carmicle for the photo and Debbie Tapscott for the suggestion.

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