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Watershed Moment

Watershed Moment

Watershed Moment: Pacific Ocean, Hwy 101The first time I saw the ocean was a watershed moment.

I realized:

  • I love to travel (especially to places off the beaten path).
  • God created an amazing world.
  • The world has more to see than I can imagine.

A watershed moment is a turning point.

It involves a:

  • Time of discovery
  • Moment of change
  • Dividing point

This expression comes from geography. According to Merriam-Webster, a watershed is “a ridge of land separating rivers and streams flowing in one direction from those flowing in the opposite direction.” It may also include the area where the divided water flows.

Watershed moments in history include:

  • Discovery of electricity
  • Invention of the telephone
  • Beginning of space travel
  • Travel by automobile

The greatest watershed moment occurred when God came to earth as a man.

Jesus did no wrong. Yet, He paid the price for our wrongs. He:

“Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (I Timothy 1:15 NIV).

What was a watershed moment for you? Please comment below.

Thanks to Timothy Lewis for the suggestion.

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From Here to Timbuktu

From Here to Timbuktu

From Here to TimbuktuFor a long time I thought Timbuktu was just a funny sounding name that symbolized any distant place.

If I wanted to tell someone how hard it was to get somewhere, I said it was like going from here to Timbuktu. That’s a lot farther than from here to yonder.

Imagine my surprise when I learned Timbuktu actually exists.

I also learned this town in Mali, West Africa is not the farthest from my home. Neither is it the hardest to reach.

I still love the name. Timbuktu has a unique sound, don’t you think?

A few years ago, a niece told me she has a friend who worked in Mali. I had a Timbuktu connection!

As my knowledge of geography grew, so did my awareness of my worldwide responsibility.

Whether I live here (wherever here may be for me) or around the world, I am one with other citizens of earth. We are all creations of our mighty God.

What a joy to love my brothers and sisters from here to Timbuktu!

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! (Psalm 133:1 NIV)

Do you have an expression you want explained? If so, please comment below.

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On Top of the World

On Top of the World

On Top of the World--eagle in tree top, Teton MtnsWe love to be on top of the world.

Yet, we don’t have to climb a mountain or fly a plane to get there. Think about:

  • Wedding vows
  • The birth of a child or grandchild
  • The first day of a long-awaited job

All these and more can make us feel on top of the world.

What if we could experience those emotions forever?

We would be exhausted – no good to ourselves or anyone else. We love grand moments. However, we cannot maintain that level of excitement forever.

Real living includes level ground.

  • Washing dishes
  • Changing diapers
  • Difficult days at work

Level ground keeps our families and our world functioning as they should.

Real living also includes valleys.

  • Relationship difficulties
  • Death
  • Financial crises

Valleys may not be fun. Yet, through them we grow stronger.

From the valleys, we look up.

For many, that is where we find our strength. Through the power of God’s love, we can stay on top of the world, regardless of our circumstances.

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging” (Psalm 46:1-3 NIV).

Do you have a favorite expression or one you want explained? If so, please comment.

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