Bend Over Backwards

Bend Over Backwards

Some people do whatever it takes to help others.

They bend over backwards for you. Bend Over BackwardsIn other words:

  • No task is too difficult.
  • No amount of time is too long.
  • No request is too unreasonable.

If they have the resources, they give them freely and cheerfully.

When people take advantage of those who bend over backwards, they continue to give.

They would rather help someone who doesn’t need help than miss someone who does. Although occasionally described as too kind, they disagree. They believe they’re merely doing what is right.

I wonder what our world would be like if everyone followed their example?

What if we made a habit of:

  • Helping one another.
  • Supporting one another.
  • Forgiving one another.
  • Encouraging one another.

Are you ready for a little back bending?

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16, NRSV).

Thanks to Molly Sullivan for sharing her athletic skills in today’s photo.

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