Icing on the Cake

Icing on the Cake

Icing on the Cake Cake by itself tastes great. Most people think icing on the cake makes it better.

The rich gooey texture of icing (frosting) delights the taste buds in a way cake by itself cannot.

  • Who ever heard of a wedding cake without icing?
  • How can bakers create their works of art without icing?
  • What child does not enjoy playing with cake icing on his first birthday?
  • How many people steal a bite of cake and then cover the hole with icing?

Cake is dessert. Icing is dessert with attitude!

Icing on the cake means extra has been added.

  • Extra flavor on a cake
  • More help than expected for someone in need
  • Out of the blue surprises that make any day great

Why not put icing on the cake for someone today?

Make their day better by going the second mile. Perform a random act of kindness.

  • Instead of the usual tip for good service, double it.
  • When buying a movie ticket, purchase one for the next person in line.
  • After completing a job, help co-workers complete theirs.
  • When preparing a meal, cook extra for busy neighbors.

Everyone appreciates smiles and ordinary good will. Why not do more? Do the unexpected. Add a little icing on the cake. People who receive those surprising acts of kindness love it. So do the people who give them.

“May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you” (1 Thessalonians 3:12 NIV).

How have you experienced icing on the cake? Please comment below.

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