Ride the Fence

Ride the Fence

Ride the Fence--blue jay
Courtesy of morgueFile

Ride the fence reminds me of a favorite scene in the old movie, It’s a Wonderful Life. The main character, George, walks back and forth in front of Mary’s house, hitting the fence with a stick and mumbling. Mary leans her head out the window and asks, “Have you made up your mind?”

While physically hitting a fence, George was emotionally riding the fence. He hadn’t decided whether to visit Mary. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do about his life goals.

George wanted to travel. Mary wanted a home in their small town. Mary wanted marriage. George did not. Others saw that George was falling in love with Mary. George denied those feelings.

We get nowhere if we physically sit on top of a fence. To move forward, we must climb down on one side or the other. The same is true of our emotions.

Like George, if we ride the fence, we will probably stay upset until we decide. We need to take time for good decisions. We have to emotionally get off the fence.

Have you made up your mind about the direction of your life? What receives most of your attention? What goals have you set? Do those goals match your beliefs?

Who, then, are those who fear the Lord? He will instruct them in the ways they should choose (Psalm 25:12 NIV).

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4 thoughts on “Ride the Fence

  1. “Not to decide is to decide”. When we refuse to make up our mind, the time passes, the opportunity goes away. Time stands still for no one. Don’t waste time. That is what life is made of.

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