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Your Guess Is as Good as Mine

Your Guess Is as Good as Mine

Your Guess Is as Good as Mine-two small girls shrugging with hands upSomeone asks a question. We don’t know the answer. What do we do? We may say, “You’re guess is as good as mine.”

 Your guess is as good as mine means we have no idea.

We don’t know any more than the person who asked the question. Neither of us can figure out what to do.

When we don’t know answers, we find someone who does.

We look for people wise as an owl. They may not know everything, but they know more than we do. Such wisdom often comes from older people, but not always. Occasionally it comes out of the mouths of babes.

No one but God knows all things.

We cannot possibly learn everything in our short lives. We do the best we can. However, we still make guesses in many situations.

God never guesses. God knows.

The one and only Creator of all things is:

  • All powerful
  • Always present
  • All knowing

Trust God for answers that never fail.

“The foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength” (1 Corinthians 1:25 NIV).

Thanks to Laurel Blevins for the suggestion and to Rita Smalley for the photo.

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