The Early Bird Gets the Worm
Please welcome my friend Martin Wiles as today’s guest writer. Martin is the Managing Editor for Christian Devotions and the Administrator/Editor for VineWords. He is an author, English teacher, minister, freelance editor, and the founder of Love Lines from God. His most recent book is Don’t Just Live…Really Live. He and his wife are parents of two and grandparents of six.
“The early bird gets the worm.”
The expression first appeared in 1605 in a book of proverbs written by William Camden. The obvious meaning is simple: birds that rise early have the best chance of getting a worm. Late risers get poorer selections. The larger meaning is that arriving early provides a better chance of success.
I’m not sure which relative I first heard use the expression because so many of them did. I come from a family of Type A personalities—competitive, organized, time conscious. Dad arrived early everywhere he went—never right on time. I copied the pattern. If I can’t arrive at my destination at least thirty minutes early, I feel as if I’m late.
Evidently, Jesus found merit in rising early to pray. Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed (Mark 1:35 NIV).
I love early mornings. My mind is fresh, cleansed by a good night of sleep. And somehow, I feel as if I can hear God better then than at any other time. Why not give getting somewhere early a try?
Have you had an early bird gets the worm experience? If so, please comment below.

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Bird photo courtesy of Pixabay.