A Drop in the Bucket

A Drop in the Bucket

A Drop in the Bucket 2
Courtesy of morgueFile

A little bit of anything does not seem enough to make a difference. It is just a drop in the bucket. A drop in the ocean has the same meaning.

To understand this expression better, try carrying a bucket full of water. Then lift a bucket with one drop of water. We often think that one drop makes no difference or little difference. It is such a small part of the whole.

Compared to the greatness of God, we are like a drop in the bucket. God’s power, goodness, and love overflow like a waterfall.

A Drop in the BucketAt the same time, God loves each one of us and can use us for good. Working together, like many drops of water, we make a great difference in our world.

In addition, when we let God work in our lives, our buckets of blessings overflow.

“Surely the nations are like a drop in a bucket” (Isaiah 40:15 NIV).

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