Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of GratitudeThe Thanksgiving holiday reminds us to express an attitude of gratitude.

During this special time, we take notice of and give thanks for our many blessings.

All too often, however, that attitude changes as easily as the seasons. Once Thanksgiving passes, so does our time of giving thanks.

Why not keep a thankful heart all year?

Why not focus on what we have rather than what we want? Why not view our glass as half-full rather than half-empty? Why be grumpy when we can be grateful? Why envy others who have more “stuff.” Why not be grateful we can share our “stuff” and then give some of it to someone who needs it?

  • Instead of building a bigger house, why not give thanks for a safe place to live.
  • Instead of buying a fancier car, why not be grateful for two good legs?
  • Instead of buying the latest tech toy, why not spend time talking to someone face to face?
  • Instead of eating too much, why not donate to the local food pantry. (See photo above.)
  • Instead of buying new clothes, why not recycle old ones? (Vintage is always in style.)

With all the money we save, think how much good we can do for others. As one song says, “Give it away.” Now that’s an attitude of gratitude and a great way to give thanks.

Will we allow thanksgiving to remain a one-day holiday or make it a lifestyle?

“Oh, give thanks to the God of heaven, for his loving-kindness continues forever” (Psalm 136:26 TLB).

Do you have a favorite expression or one you want explained? If so, please comment.

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