File 13

File 13

File 13--trash can filled with envelopes and paperOur mail, whether in a physical box or an online inbox, usually includes junk. Because we don’t want junk, we get rid of it. It goes in file 13.

File 13 means the trash can or wastebasket.

Unwanted paper and other trash land there. We want it gone, so we throw it away. We wish we would never have to see physical trash or online junk or spam again.

File 13 content sometimes threatens us.

People or organizations send information for:

  • Financial scams
  • Identity theft
  • Revenge

Shredding all mail with identifying information adds extra protection.

Other times, File 13 content simply frustrates us.

Frequently unwanted material includes:

  • Political flyers
  • Advertisements
  • Requests for money

Let’s keep junk out of our minds as well as our mailboxes.

What goes down in the well comes up in the bucket. Likewise, what goes in our minds comes out in our actions. May we wisely filter all we receive, think, say, and do. As one friend says, let’s use our heads for more than a hat rack.

Get rid of the trash. Keep the treasures.

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away” (Ecclesiastes 3:1,6 NIV).

Thanks to Ann Klotz for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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6 thoughts on “File 13

  1. Hi Diana,

    I think most folks know “File 13” as a euphemism for the trash. I learned the expression decades ago in the military. However, I wonder where that specific “name” comes from? Why 13; why not 14, or another number? Any thoughts?

    Have a wonderful day! 😊

    1. I don’t know why 13 was chosen, Chris. Some people guess it’s because it’s viewed negatively or as an unlucky number. Great question!
      I have searched for your granny’s expression, “eat’em up, snoot raw,” but I have not been able to find anything, and I have no experience with it. I’m so sorry.
      You have a wonderful day too!

  2. This is an absolutely new one for me, Diana, so I’m really glad you enlightened us here. Yes, too much junk can clutter both our minds and our hearts with unwanted items. I make a routine practice of putting lots of unwanted missives and ads in my File 13.

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