Follow in Someone’s Footsteps

Follow in Someone’s Footsteps

Follow in Someone's Footsteps 4I wonder if wearing an apron will help me follow in the footsteps of my Granny Beasley.

  • Will it make me a better cook?
  • Will it give me a great sense of humor?
  • Will it give me arms big enough to hug the world?

I rarely saw her without her apron. She used it to:

  • Keep her clothes clean while she cooked or did other work
  • Dry tears from her own or children’s eyes
  • Fan herself during hot weather

She did take it off when people took her picture.

To follow in the footsteps of someone, we:

  • Follow the person’s example.
  • Take that person’s role or job.
  • Look to the person for guidance or an example.
  • Live like that person lived.

Follow in Someone's Footsteps7I doubt that my WorldCrafts apron will make me like Granny. However, it does:

  • Provide great memories
  • Challenge me to follow in the footsteps of Granny Beasley (and the many other positive examples in my life)
  • Encourage me to create good footsteps for others to follow

“Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me” (Psalm 119:133 NIV).

Whose footsteps do you follow? Please comment.

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8 thoughts on “Follow in Someone’s Footsteps

  1. Granny Beasley was one of a kind. I think of her often when I put on my apron as well. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I could only hope to follow in my grandmother’s footsteps. She was stern but always offered us a safe haven when the storms of life would overtake my family. We knew we would be welcome there no matter what.

    I love aprons partly because my grandmother almost always had one on. And the meals she prepared while wearing them pinned to her dresses were wonderful country fare that even now can make my mouth water.

    She was a special lady who will always have a special place in my heart.

  3. This is wonderful. I just wish I could be half the woman she was. I have so many great memories of her. I loved cooking with her. She taught me so much. Also one great memory, is singing hymns on the front porch, when too hot to sleep. I would not be who I am, if it had not been for her guidance. Loved her so much. Still miss her. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I sat here and smiled as I read your post. I love that picture. I wish I had one with her, my sister and I. I mostly remember her in her little house. I can still describe the layout!
    Thanks for sharing.
    (Patty Beasley’s daughter)

    1. I’m so glad to hear from you, Cathy! I remember that house so well too–where the furniture sat and the way Granny moved around her kitchen while we ate jelly on cold biscuits and talked about everything and nothing. I also remember your mom and Betty playing guitar and singing when we walked up the road to their house.

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