Give It a Whirl
In 2003, my sister and I served on a missions team in Interlaken, Switzerland. During free time, several on our team paraglided off a nearby mountain. I wanted to give it a whirl.
However, our team leader did not want us to participate. She was responsible if anyone was hurt. Out of respect for her, I stayed on the ground. Paragliding remains on my bucket list.
To give it a whirl means to try something.
You see if you:
- Like it
- Are good at it
- Want to do it again
What we give a whirl varies greatly.
We experiment with new:
- Food
- Hobbies
- Adventures
- Travel
- Jobs
- Service
Although I did not jump off a mountain, I did give several activities a whirl.
I was able to:
- Tour the region
- Try new food
- Enjoy other mountain and lake activities
- Admire Swiss chalets and flowers
- Eat lots of chocolate and raspberry sorbet
The greatest activity was to engage in international ministry, our primary purpose for being there. If you have never served on an international missions team, I would encourage you to do so.
God’s creation offers more than we can try in a lifetime.
However, we can enjoy each day:
- Wherever we are
- Whatever we do
“Let heaven and earth praise him, the seas and all that move in them” (Psalm 69:34 NIV).
What do you enjoy? What is something new you would like to give a whirl?
Thanks to Matt Reiprich for the suggestion. Photo courtesy of Scott Wigginton, author of Adventures to Godliness.
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11 thoughts on “Give It a Whirl”
No, hang-gliding is not on my bucket list, but giving something a whirl that’s new to us stimulates our sense of adventure and curiosity, Diana. Dare to do!
Jumping off a mountain is probably not on many people’s bucket lists, Martha. However, I hope your days are filled with positive moments of adventure. I love your “Dare to do!”
Always enjoy your posts Ms. Diana. As I was reading, I was thinking about those things that I wanted to “give a whirl” but was either talked out of them, or talked myself out of them. The latter, I believe, comes from the inane fears we carry with us. While I think sometimes that fear is a human instinct meant to protect us, I believe that Satan subverted it (like so many other things in this world) to cause us to live in fear. I don’t think God created man to be fearful in a way that causes us to be afraid to try. To be aware of risks, yes; but afraid to try something? I don’t think so. As Christians, we are often presented opportunities to try new things (e.g., a new area of ministry, public speaking, teaching, etc.). What I’ve learned is that those things that are in His will, He comes alongside and equips us for the attempt and smooths our paths. Thanks so much ma’am.
Such wise words, J. D. They remind me of one of my favorite quotes by martyred missionary Jim Elliot. “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”
I would like to participate in more “walks” for charity. I think I’ll give it a whirl.
Have a blessed day!
What a wonderful idea, Melissa! I would enjoy that too.
We’ll just have to give cowriting a whirl, Diana. I’m not cojumping with you! Sorry.
Thanks for a good laugh, Tracy. I guess that makes me a solo jumper, but I look forward to giving cowriting a whirl.
I enjoy new adventures. I did my first rock climbing, rapelling, and zip lining after past 50. Loved it! I think I’d like to give paragliding a whirl, too. I appreciate the reminder that God’s gifts and grace give us more than we can try and acconplish in our lifetime, but we need to continue to strive with our entire being to to draw closer and closer to Him.
I enjoy new adventures. I did my first rock climbing, rapelling, and zip lining after past 50. Loved it! I think I’d like to give paragliding a whirl, too. I appreciate the reminder that God’s gifts and grace give us more than we can try and accomplish in our lifetime, but we need to continue to strive with our entire being to to draw closer and closer to Him.
What fun, Katherine. I think you and I would enjoy adventures together, physical activities plus worship and service.