Hit the Roof

Hit the Roof

Hit the Roof: Fist up through shattered glassPeople rarely hit the roof physically. However, they frequently hit the roof emotionally.

To hit the roof means to become extremely angry or upset.

According to The Idioms, the expression refers to “being so enraged that you could actually bang your head on the roof (or ceiling) … because you feel like exploding.” Similar expressions include:

People lose their temper.

Reasons people hit the roof vary.

For example, they get angry when they:

  • Fail to get their way
  • See rules broken
  • Experience loss or injury
  • Discover betrayal

Hit the roof also refers to sharp price increases.

  • Goods and services grow more expensive.
  • Stocks rise.

If people invest money, they enjoy those increases. If they make purchases, they want the costs to remain low.

It pays to invest emotions and finances wisely.

Maintain control and do what’s right. Spend time and money productively.

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice” (Ephesians 4:31 NIV).

Thanks to Lindy Pierce for the suggestion. Image by wendy CORNIQUET from Pixabay.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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8 thoughts on “Hit the Roof

  1. I haven’t heard this expression in years. Although prices are surely hitting the roof at this time. “Maintain control and do what’s right. ” Not always easy but always good to do so. I am always glad when I stop here and pick up a nugget of wisdom from you!

    1. Joanne, thank you for giving me a smile with your kind words. I don’t hear this one as often as I once did either, but it definitely applies for many of today’s prices. Blessings on your writing.

  2. While I’ve gotten better with God’s help, many can attest that I was “the King of Roof Hitting” back in the day. For all the personality types and markers used, I think the best to describe me was a “Grenade personality.” I will go along and go along, taking it and taking it, until BOOM! I explode in a fury of frustration that is fueled by anger. Sadly, the biggest problem with a grenade personality is that they have such a large kill zone. Get caught in the explosion and you’ll feel the impact too. As you might expect, I’ve done a lot of apologizing and asking forgiveness in my life.

    1. God can make such a difference when we give our all to Him, can’t he, J.D.? How grateful I am for His forgiveness and the forgiveness of others we have wronged. Thank you for such an open, honest comment. Blessings, my friend.

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