Once in a Blue Moon

Once in a Blue Moon

Once in a Blue Moon: Full moon shining in a blue landscapeHousework must be done often. Otherwise, the house becomes a mess. However, many of us have chores we hate. We only do those chores once in a blue moon. We put them off as long as possible.

Once in a blue moon means rarely.

Something seldom occurs. It does happen, but not often. Examples include:

  • Family reunions
  • Pay raises
  • New houses

A blue moon is usually defined as the second full moon in a calendar month.

That happens about once every three years. The Phrase Finder offers an interesting explanation of the mistake behind that definition.

We can enjoy blue moons even though:

  • The definition may have begun as an error.
  • A blue moon is not blue.

Enjoy blue moons when they occur. Let them remind you to rise and shine. Make the most of every day, whether rare or routine.

[The Lord] made the moon to mark the seasons, and the sun knows when to go down (Psalm 104:19 NIV).

Thanks to Karen Atwood and Brad Leverett for the suggestion. Image by kien virak from Pixabay.

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