Read Between the Lines

Read Between the Lines

Read between the lines--white writing on red background "I'm not angry" with "not" covered with a black X“I’m not angry!” she yells as she clenches her fists and stomps away! If we read between the lines, we hear the message of her behavior rather than her words.

To read between the lines means to find the true message.

We understand what was not said or written — what a person really means. Hidden feelings or thoughts become clear.

This can also happen when anyone hems and haws, trying to avoid giving an answer.

Read between the lines comes from cryptography.

Secret writing hides true messages between the lines of text. The Free Dictionary’s explanations include:

  • “In one code, reading every second line of a message gives a different meaning from that of the entire text.”
  • In another method, people “write the secret information in invisible ink between the lines of a document.”

Honesty with self and others makes life easier.

When we try to fool anyone, no one wins. Better to say and do what we mean, to remain on the up and up. The Apostle Paul left his readers a good example.

“My letters have been straightforward and sincere; nothing is written between the lines!” (2 Corinthians 1:13 TLB).

Thanks to Amy Walsh for the idea from a recent social media post.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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9 thoughts on “Read Between the Lines

  1. Another great post Ms. Diana. When I think about “reading between the lines”, I often think of husbands and wives. What the wife says isn’t always what the wife means. Talk about cryptography. LOL 🙂 We husbands eventually learn what our wives mean when they say something, but it can take decades.

    I so glad that I don’t have to “read between the lines” when studying God’s Word. Oh, there hidden meaning and interpretations that I’m still finding, but it’s more like a treasure hunt than an expedition. Thank goodness, the Holy Spirit can guide us in finding God’s understanding of what a verse or parable means.

    God’s blessings ma’am.

    1. Reading between the lines definitely helps in those personal relationships, J.D.

      I love your “it’s more like a treasure hunt than an expedition” regarding Bible study and am grateful for the treasure of God’s Word.

      Have a wonderful week!

  2. I think body language comes into this only for sure. Our words can attempt to send one message, but our behavior, facial expressions, and other physical actions can present an entirely different message. Thank you, Diana, for helping us think about how our actions send a message.

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