Sleep Like a Log

Sleep Like a Log


Sleep Like a Log--large log with branches still attached before a tall treeI rise early most mornings. However, caregiving, especially getting up several times a night, occasionally wears me down. If I become extremely tired and have few interruptions, I sleep like a log.

Recently, after days of meeting myself coming and going, I slept almost two hours past my usual wakeup. I felt wonderful! A good night’s sleep solves a lot of life’s woes!

To sleep like a log means a deep, restful sleep.

Similar expressions include sleep like a:

  • Baby
  • Top
  • Rock

All mean to sleep:

  • Well
  • Soundly
  • Without waking

To sleep like a log can be dangerous.

Although we want to sleep soundly, we can overdo it. A friend in college slept so well that other people in his dorm had to wake him when his alarm went off. I once slept through a tornado warning. Someone finally realized I was missing and woke me.

Several steps help achieve a good night’s rest.

  • Go to bed and get up about the same time every day.
  • Keep the room free of distractions.
  • Maintain a regular pre-sleep routine.
  • Eliminate screen time an hour or more before going to bed.

God gave us the gift of sleep. Let’s make the most of it.

“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8 NIV).

Thanks to Joanne Viola for the suggestion.

Do you have an expression you want explained or a thought about this one? If so, please comment below.

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14 thoughts on “Sleep Like a Log

  1. Ahh, rest is a word I don’t get/hear nearly often enough. As a fellow caregiver, our days can be long. Yet, I would not trade the experience for anything. On good days, I can take six Advil PM and sleep for five or six hours. What a delightful rest. I too have slept through sirens, etc. in the past. I fear those days are over, but God knows for sure.

    1. I pray for you and your many responsibilities, J.D. I’ve also quoted your saying that “caregiving is the hardest work I’ve ever loved.” Thank you for your encouragement for so many in the midst of all you have to do.

  2. I enjoyed thinking about the origin of that phrase. A log is dead and won’t be getting up again. Hence, “sleep like the dead” has almost the same meaning only it’s much too ominous for me to use!
    Have a blessed day.

  3. I remember those days when I could sleep like a log. Not so much anymore. But good sleep is essential for us to have a healthy and happy life. Your suggestions for good sleep are right on target.

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