Stick Like Glue

Stick Like Glue

Stick Like Glue-Dashaway between young couple on porchMy dog Dashaway was my favorite pet. She would stick like glue anytime I went outside.

Dashaway and I became best buddies while I was in high school. Snow kept everyone home for weeks. My parents and sister had the flu, so all the house and farm chores became my responsibility. A cousin down the road milked the cows, but Dashaway and I did the rest.

When I became tuckered out, too tired to move, Dashaway nudged me with her nose. That reminded me to keep on keeping on. She knew once work was over, we could play in the snow.

After I began dating, Dashaway still stuck like glue. If my boyfriend (now husband), and I walked outside, Dashaway walked between us. When we sat on the front porch steps, Dashaway stood or sat in the middle. She loved us, and we loved her.

To stick like glue means to stay close to someone.

For people or animals, that means we want to be together all the time. We hate to be away from one another.

Other meanings include hard-to-remove items that attach to us, such as:

  • Sticky food
  • Ink
  • Grass stain

This expression may be literal or figurative.

The above are literal examples. Figurative examples include our:

  • Reputation
  • Nickname
  • Memories

Dashaway earned her reputation as a good dog. She actually had six names, with Dashaway as first of the six. Memories of our time together stick like glue in my mind.

“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24 NIV).

Thanks to Sharon Berry for the suggestion.

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8 thoughts on “Stick Like Glue

  1. I had a dog named Susie, who stuck like glue. She was my constant companion for many years. As a young girl and on into young adulthood, Susie brought my family much joy.

  2. Love this image! We had a collie when I was growing up, and poor thing, we ran her ragged! She tried to keep the 4 of us herded together. But if that failed she stuck like glue to my baby brother. I guess he needed her most. With me (the oldest) she waited until she saw me putting on my cowboy boots, and oh boy, she was over the moon! She loved to go out with me and my horse. She was especially excellent at finding stinky things to roll in.

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