A Bee in Your Bonnet

A Bee in Your Bonnet

A Bee in Your BonnetYou need bees to pollinate plants. You don’t need a bee in your bonnet (hat or head covering).

Many beekeepers wear protective clothing, including a hat with a net. The net keeps bees away from their head and face. My husband was removing honey from a bee hive several years ago. Somehow, a few bees crawled inside his net. His one and only thought was to get that bonnet off!

When you get a bee in your bonnet, you focus totally on one idea. It controls your thoughts and actions. Nothing else matters to you.

Often that focus has no lasting value:

  • A car
  • A house
  • Clothes
  • Other material possessions

Occasionally the focus is harmful:

  • Hatred
  • Revenge
  • Prejudice

Why not focus instead on eternal values?

  • Trusting God
  • Serving others
  • Improving self

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts” (Psalm 139:23 NIV).

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