A Full Plate

A Full Plate

A Full PlateWe find the world’s largest apple pie at the Casey County Apple Festival in Liberty, Kentucky. During that September festival, Liberty grows to five times its normal size. Local people and visitors all want a full plate of pie. However, no one wants  the entire 10-foot pie on their plate.

Occasionally most of us put more food on our plate than we should. If we try to eat everything on that full plate, we get sick or feel awful.

To prevent such feelings, we can:

  • Share the food with someone else.
  • Eat what we want and throw the rest away.
  • Eat part of the food now and part later.

Sometimes we have more to do than we can manage. Problems overwhelm us. We have a full plate or a lot on our plate. If we try to do everything ourselves, we get sick or feel awful.

We can avoid those feelings if we:

  • Ask someone to help us.
  • Leave less important things undone.
  • Work on part now and part later.

Everyone has limits. We can’t do everything alone. Accepting that truth usually means a longer, happier, and healthier life.

“Share each other’s troubles and problems, and so obey our Lord’s command” (Galatians 6:2 TLB).

Have you attended the Apple Festival? If so, what did you think of the pie?

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