A Good Day’s Work for a Good Day’s Pay

A Good Day’s Work for a Good Day’s Pay

A Good Day's Work for a Good Day's Pay--youth replacing a ceilingNot everyone believes in a good day’s work for a good day’s pay. Honest, hard-working people do. Others work as little as possible for their pay.

Good employees give a good day’s work for a good day’s pay.

Those employees:

  • Work the number of hours expected
  • Take breaks only during break time
  • Work well with others
  • Show respect to everyone
  • Never cheat the boss

They put their hands to the plow and get the job done. A few employees work more than required for good measure.

On the other side of the coin, good bosses give a good day’s pay for a good day’s work.

Those employers:

  • Pay a fair wage
  • Do not overwork employees
  • Allow time for regular breaks and emergency leave
  • Provide worker training
  • Never act high and mighty
  • Respect and never cheat employees

A few employers pay more than expected for good measure.

Money is not always the greatest reward for hard work.

These youth team members from Campbellsville Baptist Church worked hard on their mission trip. They received no money. However, they did experience the joy of helping others. No amount of money can buy that feeling.

As 2020 begins:

  • Work hard and well if you work for someone.
  • Pay well and fairly if someone works for you.
  • Help someone in need.

“The work of their hands brings them reward” (Proverbs 12:14 NIV).

Thanks to Bonnie Alley for the suggestion and to Jenny Burgess for the photo.

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