Bite Your Tongue

Bite Your Tongue


Bite Your TongueBite your tongue tells another person to remain silent.

We might say bite your tongue to:

  1. Declare we don’t want to hear what the other person has to say. That person’s statement may or may not be true. For example, someone might predict a snowfall. If we don’t want snow, we say, “Bite your tongue!”
  2. Encourage someone to remain silent when another person hurts or displeases her. We will explore this meaning today.

People may hurt us, yet we can choose not to hurt them.

We can’t bite our tongue and talk at the same time. If we wait before we speak, we save ourselves and others much heartache. I don’t want to say something I will regret, do you?

Gossips or busybodies talk when they shouldn’t. They should bite their tongues. However, if we try to hurt them or anyone else because they hurt us, we only make the problem bigger.

Everyone benefits when we think before we speak or act.

Instead of fighting back with our words, why not try one of the following?

  1. Walk away.
  2. Count to 10 (or more) before we respond.
  3. Explain how the person’s words or actions made us feel, when we can do so calmly.
  4. Pray for the person.
  5. Say or do something nice for that person. We may gain a friend. If not, we still know we did the right thing.
  6. Try to understand why the person acts the way he does.
  7. Remember: We can’t control the other person, but we can control ourselves. Charles R. Swindoll said, “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”

“Help me, Lord, to keep my mouth shut and my lips sealed” (Psalm 141:3 TLB).

Do you have other helpful ideas for dealing with people who hurt us? Please comment below.

Thanks to Jenny Kuo for suggesting and modeling this expression.

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6 thoughts on “Bite Your Tongue

  1. Dear Diana, this is an excerpt from a resignation letter I had written in 2009.
    “Asking for thoughts, ideas, and recommendations is moot because no one really listens
    to anything teachers have to say. With this in mind, I decided to ignore all meetings, just sit! In order to do this I wrote the following reminder on my calendar and have carried it to all meetings:
    ‘Bite your tongue; Watch your words; Truth be told; Don’t be heard!’
    Needless to say, I bit my tongue many times this past year, but in this letter/report,
    I have decided to speak my mind!” and speak it I did….but no administrator bothered to listen/read my letter.

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