Butterflies in My Stomach

Butterflies in My Stomach

Butterflies in My Stomach--butterfly on flowerI love butterflies, don’t you? I watch for them in gardens, yards, and on walks. Their colors and the way they flutter through the air thrill me. A butterfly makes any day better. However, I don’t love butterflies in my stomach.

Butterflies in my stomach mean I feel nervous.

Finding butterflies brings joy. Feeling them in my stomach … not so much.

Common causes for butterflies in my stomach include:

  • Public speaking
  • Job interviews
  • Singing or acting in public
  • Tests

Feeling a little nervous can be a good thing.

It makes me:

  • Prepare better
  • Try harder
  • Do my best

Feeling too nervous hurts my health.

It causes me to tie myself in knots, I suffer physically, mentally, and emotionally.

When butterflies flutter too long or hard, I remind myself not to sweat it. If I shake off the stress and give God control, God leads me through every challenge.

Thanks to Darrin Jenkins for the suggestion and the picture.

What causes butterflies in your stomach? Please comment .

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