Cut the Mustard

Cut the Mustard

Cut the Mustard-mustard flowerYears ago, Ernest Tubb and Red Foley sang “Too Old to Cut the Mustard.” They gave people a good laugh about aging. You can read the song lyrics here.

Young people often think senior adults are as old as the hills or over the hill. However, many older people still cut the mustard. Many young people cannot. Age does not always make a difference.

Cut the mustard means to work well.    

 People do what needs to be done. They do what is:

  • Expected
  • Required


  • Work with energy and enthusiasm
  • Successfully accomplish their task

Cut the mustard applies to things as well as people.

People want what they use to:

  • Work well
  • Keep working

However, like people, things do not always work as they should.

  • Computers crash.
  • Cars run out of gas.
  • Stoves fail to cook.

Several guesses about how this expression began include the:

  • Hard work required to cut mustard plants
  • Difficulty in cutting tiny mustard seeds
  • Need to cut (dilute) mustard with vinegar to create a good taste

Others ideas have nothing to do with mustard.

However the expression began, it reminds everyone to do their best. Each day offers the opportunity to:

“[The righteous] will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green” (Psalm 92:14 NIV).

Thanks to Emily Akin for the suggestion. Photo courtesy of Pixabay. 

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2 thoughts on “Cut the Mustard

  1. Diana,
    My favorite of these two singers is Red Foley, who used to sing a song called “Old Shep”. If memory serves me correctly, he is also Pat Boone’s father-in-law.
    I’ve heard Ernest Tubbs, but remember Red Foley much more clearly. He may have had his own show for a bit–not sure.
    He did indeed ‘cut the mustard’ very well.
    It was great to reconnect with you at KCWC.

  2. I’m so glad to hear from you, Victoria. You made this year’s KCWC extra special. I had not thought about the song”Old Shep” for years. Thank you for the extra information. Blessings.

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