Excess Baggage

Excess Baggage

Excess BaggageIf you have flown recently, you know the financial cost of an extra suitcase or too much weight. In addition, who wants the backaches, delayed connections, and short tempers caused by excess baggage?

Frequent travelers learn to pack nothing but the essentials.

They leave everything else at home.

If we only did the same with the emotional baggage we carry.

Just like an overstuffed suitcase, excess emotional baggage carries great cost. When we let our negative feelings regarding past wrongs, real or imagined, control our lives:

  • We may have trouble getting and keeping jobs.
  • We tend to take our feelings out on innocent people around us.
  • People often avoid us and our bad tempers.
  • We may have difficulty sleeping.
  • We may suffer eating disorders.
  • We lose our ability to concentrate clearly.
  • We remain miserable until we work through whatever holds us back.

If we can rid ourselves of excess emotional baggage on our own, that’s great. If we need help, we should seek that assistance without delay.

As a combat soldier in an old television program frequently said, “Let it go. Just let it go.”

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

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8 thoughts on “Excess Baggage

  1. Great points, Diane! 1 Peter 5:7 is one of my favorite verses. If all of us followed that Scripture, life sure would be a lot easier.

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