Foot in the Door

Foot in the Door

Foot in the Door--leg and foot with jeans and cowboy boot entering a doorMy friend Collin White recently got his foot in the door for a lifelong dream. He performed on stage at the Grand Ole Opry. For anyone, that is quite a feat (pun intended). For a young man still in college, it’s nothing short of amazing.

Foot in the Door--Collin White with guitar, jeans, jacket, and cowboy hatTo get a foot in the door means the first step toward a goal.

Collin wants to sing professionally. He already sings in community, school, church, and multi-state events. He has released two songs. Both fit the Christian country genre. His dream is falling into place, one step at a time.

To get a foot in the door occasionally refers to a pushy person.

Such people use aggressive tactics. Door-to-door salespeople who stick their feet in doors so homeowners can’t close them come to mind. Their behavior often proves self-defeating (another pun intended). Instead of reaching their goals, they turn people against them.

That does not describe Collin. Instead, he puts his best foot forward.

The greatest door of opportunity remains open for all.

Jesus extends an invitation for:

  • Forgiveness
  • Salvation
  • Guidance
  • A home in heaven.

Never pushy, Jesus waits patiently for our response. It’s up to us to invite Jesus into our lives and to follow Him.

“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” (Revelation 3:20 NIV).

Thanks to Tracy Crump and Beckham Wilson for the suggestion and to Jill and Steve Floyd and Collin White for the photos.

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6 thoughts on “Foot in the Door

  1. Writers often look to get a “foot in the door”. We’re told that getting our name out into the world may help with contracts and promotions. I’m thankful we have God to guide us along the way. 🙂 Have a blessed day!

  2. Such an uplifting message, approaching the “foot in door” concept from a positive perspective. Best wishes to Collin. I love to see our young people share their gifts–especially in service to our Lord. Thank you, Diana

    1. Thank you, Katherine. I love to see young people (all people) share their gifts in God’s service too. I especially love it when multiple generations work together. Blessings on your week.

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