Free and Clear

Free and Clear

Free and Clear--white houseIf we own something free and clear, it belongs to us.

We owe nothing for it. Many of us make house payments for years. After the final payment, our house belongs to us free and clear. That makes us feel free as a bird.

Sometimes we receive free and clear gifts.

We owe nothing for those gifts. They may come from:

  • Family
  • Friends
  • Neighbors
  • Anyone

Other times we give free and clear gifts.

When we hear of needs, we want to help. Therefore, we give and expect nothing in return.

We may also give for no special reason. We simply like to share.

Gifts may be large or small.

Many cost little or nothing, such as:

  • Notes
  • Crafts
  • Food
  • Flowers or vegetables from our gardens

People who sign up for my email list receive:

  • My weekly blog posts
  • News about my writing journey
  • Occasional gifts

The first email includes a link for a free copy of “Words of Hope for Days That Hurt.” I like to thank subscribers for their support. Small gifts help me do that.

God offers us the greatest gift of all.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8 NIV).

What free and clear gifts do you like to give?

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