Get to the Bottom of It

Get to the Bottom of It

Get to the Bottom of ItTo get to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, we must travel by foot, mule, or raft. Be prepared! Hikers should carry plenty of water and food. We also need lots of sunscreen and appropriate shoes and clothing. To see firsthand what’s down there requires an investment of time, money, and effort.

To get to the bottom of anything, we’re seeking an answer or solving a problem.

We want the truth—to know exactly what’s going on. That takes work, regardless of the task. Some people declare they will get to the bottom of a situation “if it’s the last thing I ever do!”

Examples of those who get to the bottom of problems on a regular basis include:

  • Police investigating a crime
  • Parents questioning disobedient children
  • Counselors exploring individual or family difficulties
  • Executives seeking answers for business losses

Each of us needs to get to the bottom of our purpose in life.

We have only a few short years. Will we use them well? Will we continue to explore until we discover life’s greater meaning?

“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32 NIV).

Thanks to Emily Akin for suggesting this expression.

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