Good to Go

Good to Go

Good to Go--road leading to covered bridge“Are you ready?”

“Yes, we are good to go.”

When planning a trip, we like to hear that news.

Good to go means we are ready.

Excited to hit the trail, we have:

  • Prepared
  • Packed (but no excess baggage)
  • Repaired, if necessary
  • Checked and double-checked

Good to go includes more than travel.

It may refer to our:

  • Health (a return to good health)
  • Possessions (all work well)
  • Activities (ready to start or restart)
  • Work (complete and correct)

Sometimes good to go means ready to stay.

In recent days, we have stayed home, because of COVID-19. Several people call, text, or message to check on us. Questions usually include:

  • Are you okay?
  • Do you need anything?

Once I said, “We are good to go, or – in this case – stay.” What I meant was:

  • We were okay.
  • We did not need anything or to go anywhere.

In this life, let’s stay good to go, whether we stay or go. For the next life, let’s definitely get ready to go.

“So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (Matthew 24:44 NIV).

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2 thoughts on “Good to Go

  1. Our family has used this phrase, “good to go” many, many times. Yes, we are saying, “We are good to go while dealing with this “stay at home” situation. We have supplies and are able to video chat with family. Praying you and your family are well Diana.

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