One Step at a Time

One Step at a Time

One Step at a TimeWe climb the highest mountain and walk through the lowest valley the same way – one step at a time. We place one foot in front of the other over and over again. Little by little we move forward.

We do the same emotionally. Whether we feel on top of the world or in the deepest depression, we keep going, one step at a time. Faced with a hard row to hoe,  we do what we need to do now. Then we take the next step.

Good teachers guide us one step at a time. If we move too fast or change the order, we often fail. If we take our time and follow directions, we usually succeed.

I rarely make New Year resolutions. If I did, I think this would make a good one. For this year, I want to take:

  • One step at a time
  • One day at a time
  • One task at a time

This one thing I know: Whether our journey fills us with joy or sorrow, we never have to walk alone. If we invite Him, God will walk with us every step of the way.

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me” (Psalm 23:4 NIV).

What New Year resolution have you made? Please comment.

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8 thoughts on “One Step at a Time

  1. Someone recently told me his resolution was to make it to the end of 2016 or die trying lol. I said “you won’t catch me dead not over my dead body lol.” We have serious priorities seriously serious us two don’t we ? We mean that every step we are one step closer to being alive at the end of the year lol. Maybe to stay safe first of all. Last of all and between that since it is soooo easy to be off guard isn’t it? out of trouble. Stay healthy. Stay in church. Stay sane and stay strong in every way emotionally physically spiritually and mentally and well, just maybe try trying to try to try to do some sort of garden and read nice stuff and do some sort of art maybe. Thanks Diana. You are a blessing in your written words and friendship at church too.

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