

Highfalutin--four young girls in fancy dresses on steps

Children love to pretend. Many enjoy acting highfalutin. They want to look like someone else – a parent, hero, older sibling, or friend.

They often dress in the other person’s clothes or shoes. Many times, they try to walk or talk like the person. What they see is what they want to be and do.

We smile or laugh at their behavior. However, many never outgrow that desire to be someone they are not.

Highfalutin people pretend to be more important than they are.

They want to appear:

They act proud, trying to impress everyone. However, they usually fall flat.

Acting highfalutin usually makes people look silly.

Years ago, I served as juvenile counselor for a young man on probation. He made several improvements. Then he ran away to a large city. When he returned about two weeks later, everything about him changed. He:

  • Spoke with an artificial accent
  • Walked with a defiant swagger
  • Wore fancy clothes with his hat cocked on the side of his head.

He tried so hard to rid himself of his country background. Instead, he made everyone laugh.

All people have worth without having to pretend.

God created each one:

  • Not better than anyone else
  • Not worse than anyone else
  • Not to be anyone else
  • To be the best unique person possible

A simple down-to-earth life far outweighs a highfalutin one.

“The eyes of the arrogant will be humbled  and human pride brought low; the Lord alone will be exalted in that day” (Isaiah 2:11 NIV).

Thanks to Harriet Michael for the suggestion and to Jennifer Van Mersbergen for the photo.

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