Jump the Gun

Jump the Gun

Jump the Gun--runners at a starting line

In the past, a gun fired as a signal to start many sports contests. Runners occasionally became so excited, they would jump the gun. They started running before their races began.

To jump the gun means to begin before the right time.

Like athletes, we occasionally jump the gun in life. We act too quickly.

Rather than wait until everything is ready, we start too soon. Our actions are not:

  • Appropriate
  • Wise
  • Approved

Patience is hard to practice.

 Yet, we need it. Instead of getting in too big a hurry, we want to toe the mark. Better to follow the guidelines than ruin our chances of getting where we want to go.

When tempted to bypass the rules, let’s hold our horses.

Plan to go when it’s time to go but wait when it’s time to wait.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” (Psalm 27:14 NIV).

Thanks to Melissa Bright for the suggestion. Image by Vlad Vasnetsov from Pixabay.

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6 thoughts on “Jump the Gun

  1. Oh my, but it feels I’ve spent a lifetime doing this. I wish I could tell you it’s because “I’m ahead of my time”, but if I’m honest it’s because of a mixture of zeal and pride that says “I’ve got this!” As I’ve matured in Christ, I’m learning that waiting upon Him is the best thing I can do. Even when He’s led me to do something, I’ve learned that He must sometime prepare the way for me. I may be ready to go, but the other side of the equation is still a work in progress. Thanks for not “jumping the gun” on this post Ms. Diana. Happy Thanksgiving ma’am.

    1. J.D., your comments mirror my experience. Waiting on the Lord or anyone else has never been my strength. As you say, I’m still a work in progress. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  2. There’s so much wisdom in your message, Diana. As one who strives to be cautious, I have occasionally “jumped the gun” on important matters and seriously regretted the outcome. Patience is important and consultation with our Lord is vital to keep us out of trouble when it comes to major decisions. Thank you for sharing.

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