Make No Bones About It

Make No Bones About It

Make No Bones About It-a cup of soupWhen we serve soup, we want no bones about it. We may cook bones in our soup, but we take them out when we eat. Swallowed bones often result in a visit to the hospital.

The origin of make no bones about it is uncertain.

According to The Free Dictionary, possibilities include:

  • Boneless soup or stew
  • Dice (originally made from bones) thrown with no hesitation

Make no bones about it means to be open and honest.


No one has to guess our meaning. We speak frankly.

However, we want to be honest without being mean.

The truth often hurts as much as a lie. Therefore, if a truth helps no one, let’s bite our tongue. Some words are better left unspoken.

Always speak the truth in love.

“Speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ” (Ephesians 4:15 NIV).

Thanks to Margaret Bertram for the suggestion. Image by RitaE from Pixabay.

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