Music to My Ears

Music to My Ears

Music to My EarsRain on a tin roof sounds like music to my ears. So do waterfalls and ocean waves. Water from each of those refreshes the earth. Their sounds refresh my soul.

What sounds like music to your ears?

• A child’s laughter?
• A teacher’s praise?
• A loved one’s voice?

Like beautiful music, they fill us with joy.

If we long for those sounds, why don’t we create them more often?

• Give a child or adult a reason to laugh.
• Praise others when they do well.
• Speak words of love.

At the same time, let’s avoid harmful sounds.

• Abusive language and actions
• Gossip
• Words of hatred

In a world filled with negatives, let’s offer something positive. May our words, actions, and attitudes fill the hearts of everyone we meet with the sound of music.

“I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin” (Psalm 39:1 NIV).

What sounds like music to your ears? Please comment below.

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