Nose Runs Like a Sugar Tree

Nose Runs Like a Sugar Tree

Nose Runs Like a Sugar Tree--maple tree with sap bucketsFor many of us, our nose runs like a sugar tree all year. A related expression says our nose runs like a sieve. However we say it, we feel a little under the weather. Plus, we need tissues all the time for that steady drip.

A runny nose may result from:

  • Colds
  • Allergies
  • Weather changes or smells
  • Swollen sinuses
  • Eating, especially spicy food

Read this Mayo Clinic link for more information and other causes.

My friend Karen had never heard this expression until recently. When she first heard it, she wondered if the person who said it was making it up.

Those of us whose nose runs like a sugar tree wish it were made up. Instead we must blow and wipe … and blow and wipe … and blow and wipe.

However, compared to many other problems in the world, a drippy nose is not so bad. Therefore, we keep tissues on hand and thank God for life’s blessings, great and small.

“The human spirit can endure in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear?” Proverbs 18:14 NIV).

Thanks to Brenda Mullins and Karen Richardson Puckett for the suggestion. Photo by diapicard from Pixabay.

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