Pretty as a Picture

Pretty as a Picture

Pretty as a Picture--Bryce Canyon National ParkAnyone or anything pretty as a picture is very pretty.

It may be described as:

  • Beautiful
  • Attractive
  • Appealing

People feel drawn to it. Its beauty pleases the eye. It stands out.

Not everyone agrees on what or who is pretty as a picture.

In nature, some people feel drawn to the:

Others like it all.

The same holds true with people. Who attracts one person may not attract another. Those differences make life more interesting and the world more beautiful.

Many people find beauty wherever they look.

As  a Ray Stevens song tells us, “Everything is Beautiful.” Only when people misuse God’s creation does it become ugly.

Look around. Enjoy the beauty. Live a beautiful life. Remember pretty is as pretty does.

“He has made everything beautiful in its time” (Ecclesiastes 3:11 NIV).

Thanks to Bob Emerson for the suggestion.

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