Rub Elbows

Rub Elbows

Rub Elbows-three girls' elbows touchingBecause of the Covid-19 pandemic, we rarely shake hands anymore. Instead, we bump fists or elbows. We have had few opportunities to rub elbows.

To rub elbows means to interact with another person or persons.

Our elbows rarely touch, but we make social contact. We are close enough we could touch elbows. Contacts may be one-on-one or with a group.

Such contacts do not usually require hard physical work or elbow grease. Instead, we socialize.

We rub elbows in both work and non-work settings.

If we want a better job, we try to rub elbows with our bosses. We hope to impress them with our abilities and our willingness to work hard.

If we want to join a social group, we try to rub elbows with people in that group. We hope to convince them we would make a good member.

In all our interactions with one another, we want to present ourselves well.

Rather than get off on the wrong foot,

  • Work well.
  • Treat others well.
  • Live well for the one who created us – elbows, feet, and all.

 “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:5 NIV).

 Thanks to Lindy Pierce for the suggestion.

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2 thoughts on “Rub Elbows

  1. For all our relationships, Jesus is our best role model. Thank you for sharing Phil 2:5. That really sums it up. I’m enjoying your messages on the meaning of certain words and phrases.

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