Tongue Lashing

Tongue Lashing

Tongue Lashing--Man speaking to dog. Dog's paws on man's hands and head downOne time when I disobeyed my dad, he caught me red-handed. However, he did not get home to discuss my misdeed until late. I worried all day that I was in hot water. I dreaded the tongue lashing to come.

Dad never said anything. I think he knew I had suffered enough.

Tongue lashings hurt. A lot.

Just ask any of us who have received one. Most people I know prefer almost any other form of correction.

Corporal punishment is seldom used anymore. Yet, we often hear people say they would rather have a spanking than a tongue lashing.

A tongue lashing means a scolding.

Sometimes severe and lengthy, the speaker lectures the other person (or animal). Words may include:

  • Criticism
  • Anger
  • Disappointment

Disappointment is often harder to hear than anger or criticism.

If we have a close relationship with the speaker, we don’t want to let him down. That was the case with my dad.

Tongue lashings can be for our good, or they can be cruel.

Either is hard to take. However, if we know the person desires the best for us, we gain from what he says.

May we speak strong words when needed. May we always speak from a heart of love.

Thanks to Marita Smeathers Mantooth for the suggestion and to Bethany Ferr with Pexels for the photo.

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6 thoughts on “Tongue Lashing

  1. Tongue lashings are painful. I remember some from my childhood. I think one of the hardest lessons a parent has to learn is how to properly balance the verbal discipline we administer to our children. I had to recognize the harsh verbal chastisement I received as a child wasn’t appropriate and, instead, use a loving, but firm manner instead. I’m so thankful that God was with me in making those changes.

  2. We so need to remember that words spoken may not ever be forgotten. May we correct wisely. May we hold our tongue until our anger has dissipated so as not to be cruel. And may we remember, we are accountable for the words we speak.

    1. Joanne, all those are so important. Remember our impact, use wisdom, discipline with love instead of anger, and accountability. If only we always practiced them. Blessings on you and yours.

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