You Got This
If we want to encourage people who face difficult challenges, we might say, “You got this” or “You’ve got this.” We want them to know we understand their problems. Yet, we also believe they can overcome them.
You got this means we think people can manage their troubles.
We reassure them that they:
- Can do it
- Have no reason to fear
- Can conquer their uncertainty
We believe in their ability to do what they need to do.
You got this offers hope.
We all feel hopeless from time to time. We get discouraged, ready to give up. Yet, a pep talk from a family member or friend can work wonders. It helps us keep on keeping on.
Our present troubles will not last forever.
Instead, we look for light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, if we have placed our faith in Jesus, we look forward to a home in heaven at the end of the road.
“Encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone” (1 Thessalonians 5:14 NIV).
Thanks to Rebecca Stafford for the suggestion.
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14 thoughts on “You Got This”
Such an encouraging post today, Diana. Yes, “you got this!”
Thank you for your ongoing encouragement and support, Martha. Blessings on your day.
This similar to what I tell people in my Chicken Soup for the Soul workshops – if I can do it you can do it.
You offer such encouragement in those workshops, Tracy. Hearing those words from someone with your experience has made a world of difference for so many writers.
Thank you for this encouraging message. Have a blessed day!
Thank you for your ongoing encouragement, Melissa. Blessings on your day and your writing.
A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver. (Proverbs 25:11)
To paraphrase, “Words of encouragement will give strength, hope and peace to those who strive for godliness in their lives”
An encouraging word can and does make a difference. Thanks Diane
I have quoted that verse many times, Beckham. What a challenge it offers to watch our words and to speak with wisdom and kindness. Thank you.
Thank you for this post, Diana, and for the reminder from 1Thess. 5:14. What a difference a word of encouragement can make! Blessings to you.
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement, Kim. Blessings on your day.
A most encouraging post and I love the verse you included! “You got this, Diana!”
Thank you for your consistent encouragement, Joanne. You bless my life with your kindness and your writing.
We all experience doubt and anxiety about the challenges we face. Hearing the encouraging words of “You’ve got this!” helps us keep on going when we may want to give up. Thank you for this encouraging message, Diana.
Thank you for your always positive outlook, Katherine. You bless my life.