Another Think Coming

Another Think Coming

Another Think Coming--little girl lectures stuffed sheep“If that is what you think, you have another think coming!” Sadie’s poor sheep are in trouble.

Many of us have heard similar warnings as children and as adults. We were told, in no uncertain terms, our thinking was wrong. Such poor thinking often put us in hot water.

If we have another think coming, our thoughts are mistaken.

We may honestly believe wrong information. However, we may also try to twist the truth to get what we want.

Wrong thinking includes:

  • Believing most people enjoy an easier life than ours. Yet, everyone has problems.
  • Trying to lie or cheat in order to succeed. Yet, we hurt ourselves and others in the process.
  • Thinking we are better or worse than other people. Yet, every person is created in God’s image and worthy of respect.

We all make mistakes. Yet, God forgives and offers a fresh start when we repent of our wrong choices.

When we change our thoughts, we also change how we feel and act.

Negative thoughts make us feel bad. When we feel bad, our actions often turn bad. Therefore,  remember:

  • God created us for a special purpose.
  • We choose whether to accept that purpose — to think and act according to God’s plan.
  • What we think, plus how we feel and act, makes a difference in our lives and in our world.

“A person may think their own ways are right, but the Lord weighs the heart” (Proverbs 21:2 NIV).

Thanks to Kristy Robinson Horine for the suggestion and the photo.

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