

Dillydally-stop sign with a "wasting time" sign below itWhen we were children, adults occasionally warned us not to dillydally. This often happened when we failed to:

  • Do our chores
  • Finish our homework
  • Go to bed on time
  • Get up on time
  • Take a bath
  • Prepare for a special event

Dad often told us to rise and shine when we wanted to stay and sleep.

If we don’t want to do something, we dillydally.

We waste time. Similar words or expressions include:

  • Lollygag
  • Drag our feet
  • Goof off
  • Dawdle

Similar spellings include:

  • Dilly dally
  • Dilly-dally

All mean we do nothing or move slowly. We delay what we should do with less important activity.

We dillydally with actions that have no real purpose.

Rather than meaningful activity, we do something useless.

If we cannot decide, we may dillydally.

We put off doing anything, because we don’t know what to do. However, we can’t ride the fence forever. Eventually we must choose.

Perhaps we have several expressions for wasting time because we do it so often.

What do you think? Please comment.

“Don’t waste time along the way” (Luke 10:4 TLB).

Thanks to Kristy Robinson Horine for the suggestion. Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

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6 thoughts on “Dillydally

  1. The article made me thing of our Rodney. He could sit on the side of his bed and take forever, just to put on his shoes. My last conversation with him, I was fussing at him to “hurry up, the bus was coming”. Our rule was, if you missed the bus, you walked to school. His response, Jean, the bus driver, would wait on him. She told us later, she would have. Precious Memories. Rodney died in 1982 at sixteen.
    I also am reminded of how God is always waiting for me to call on Him. The good news is He is ALWAYS THERE WAITING.
    Always enjoy your posts. God’s grace be with you.

  2. Thank you for sharing such a special memory about your Rodney, Larry. I believe your conclusion is far superior to mine. God is always waiting for us to call on Him. Thanks also for your words of encouragement. Blessings.

    1. I hadn’t thought of it from that perspective, Melissa, but I like it. As a person who hates to shop, I vote with your husband on this one. Let’s get what we need and get out of there! With our current weather situation, I’d say most people try not to dillydally when they must get out. Stay safe.

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