Eyes Bigger than Our Belly

Eyes Bigger than Our Belly

Eyes Bigger Than Our Belly--buffet tableMany times, our eyes are bigger than our belly. We see good food and want it. All of it. The more we see, the more we want. This happens frequently at:

  • Buffets with endless choices
  • Thanksgiving feasts
  • Potluck dinners where everyone brings food
  • Family meals with all our childhood favorites
  • Cookouts with piping hot food from a grill

Eating small amounts at such events takes more willpower than many of us possess. Instead, we fill our plates to the top and eat until we feel like we will pop.

The taste is wonderful. The misery later, not so great.

Eyes bigger than our belly means we take more food than we can eat.

Eyes bigger than our stomach means the same.

We love what we see. We want to eat everything we see. Yet, we cannot possibly digest all we pile on our plates.

Rather than eating until we get sick, why not share our food with others?

Most communities have food pantries or crisis centers to help the hungry. Churches frequently sponsor food programs. We may have neighbors who would enjoy our extra.

Instead of eyes bigger than our belly, why not hearts bigger than our hunger? A little food for thought for all of us.

“If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday” (Isaiah 58:10 NIV).

Thanks to Carole Fite for the suggestion and to Diann Paxton with Caterpillar Crossing for the photo.

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2 thoughts on “Eyes Bigger than Our Belly

  1. Yes, instead of eating until we feel sick, let’s share the food with others. There are many hungry people in the world. My husband and I have volunteered at shelters and food banks. There is a great need for physical and spiritual nourishment.

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