Face the Music
I love to listen to music.
Music makes me laugh, cry, dance, worship, and more. Few things in life offer as much pleasure.
I still remember the first time I saw the opening scene of The Sound of Music. I wanted to run up that mountain with Julie Andrews and sing just like her. I could probably run up the mountain. I will never sing like that.
I don’t like to face the music.
I don’t want to accept the results of my actions when I have done wrong. When other people do wrong, I usually think they should face the music. They should pay for their mistakes. Yet, I don’t want the same for myself.
However, I live with the consequences of the choices I make.
Most of the time, good choices result in a good life. Bad choices usually result in a bad life. That is not always true, but it is most of the time.
The choices I make also affect other people. I want to help them make good choices and avoid bad ones.
Likewise, I want to choose carefully the people who guide me. Although I see many examples, I choose the ones I follow.
- Whether I have good or bad teachers, I choose my actions.
- Whether I have good or bad friends, I choose my actions.
- Whether I have a good or bad family, I choose my actions.
Making right choices is not always easy. When I fail, I ask God for forgiveness and thank God for a fresh start. God offers that same forgiveness and fresh start to everyone.
I pray you always enjoy beautiful music. I also pray you make good choices so you don’t have to face the music.
“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19 NIV).
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