Fly by the Seat of Our Pants

Fly by the Seat of Our Pants

Fly by the Seat of Our PantsParagliders often fly by the seat of their pants. They depend on wind and weather for safety and success. Those can change quickly.

Sometimes airplane pilots must also fly by the seat of their pants.

  • They can’t see because of bad weather.
  • The plane’s instruments stop working.
  • They hope to arrive safely on a wing and a prayer.

Like pilots and paragliders, we occasionally face new challenges or problems. We can solve those several ways.

  • Organize our information
  • Explore possible solutions
  • Ask experts
  • Fly by the seat of our pants

When we fly by the seat of our pants, we:

  • Have no experience or skills with the situation
  • Do the best we can by ourselves
  • Work without a plan

Many people fly by the seat of their pants and do well. Some of us end up in a mess. Often those messes cause no great harm. At times, however, we hurt ourselves and others.

With our most important decisions, let’s choose a better way.

“As for God, his way is perfect; The word of the Lord is true. He shields all who hide behind him” (2 Samuel 22:31 TLB).

Have you experienced a fly by the seat of your pants moment? If so, please comment below.

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Photo courtesy of morgueFile.

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