In a Jam

In a Jam

In a Jam-young woman making jamEating jam is fun. Getting in a jam is not.

Amy, a former Campbellsville University student, learned how to make jam during one of her visits to our home. We enjoyed an afternoon of fun.

Eating jam cake made by my husband’s mother and other relatives became a family tradition. We had fun as we talked and ate.

One of my favorite Christmas gifts from my mother was homemade raspberry jam and jelly. What fun my sister and I had when we opened that special gift.

If we get in a jam, we get in a difficult situation.

We have a problem and cannot find an answer. As a result, we feel like we are beating our heads against a wall.

Some jams are not our fault. However, we often end up in trouble because of our poor choices, such as:

  • Doing what we should not do
  • Going where we should not go
  • Wanting what we do not need

In a Jam--jam cakeDuring Christmas or other holidays, we can easily get in a jam. We plan too much to do with too little time to do it. We forget to have fun.

Slow down. Cut back on activities. Focus on what really matters. Take time to remember the reason for this joyful season.

Merry Christmas! May all your jams be edible.

 “A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences” (Proverbs 22:3 TLB).

Thanks to Shanon Camille O’Banion and Cakes by Camille for the jam cake photo.

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