It Don’t Make Me No Never Mind

It Don’t Make Me No Never Mind

It Don't Make Me No Never Mind-Neapolitan ice cream cake with berries on top “Do you prefer ice cream, cake, or both?” “I’m leaving now. Is that okay?” “Mind if I change the station on TV?”  For all these questions, we might answer, “It don’t make me no never mind.” Of course, we don’t give that answer if we prefer correct grammar.

Other ways to say “It don’t make me no never mind” include:

  • It does not matter to me.
  • I don’t care.
  • It does not bother me.
  • Makes no difference to me.

It don’t make me no never mind means either choice is okay.

We have no strong feelings about a decision. It is six of one and half a dozen of another.

Many choices in life don’t matter.

If they don’t matter, we usually don’t care. Although many probably disagree, the following matter little:

  • House size
  • Car model
  • Clothing style

What difference will those make years from now?

Other choices matter a great deal.

How we choose could mean the difference in life or death. We never want to:

  • Abuse another person
  • Lie, cheat, or steal
  • Neglect someone in need

The results could last for generations. Not everyone will like our actions. However, right choices mean we must occasionally make waves.

May we always choose well when our choices matter most.

“Be careful to do what the Lord your God has commanded you; do not turn aside to the right or to the left” (Deuteronomy 5:32).

I don’t know its origin, but I think of this as a southern expression. Have you heard it used other places?

Thanks to Timothy Lewis for the suggestion. Image by Bernhard Mülhens from Pixabay.

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