Keep On Keeping On
Many times we feel like we are drowning in a sea of responsibility. The storms of life hit. We have too much to do with too little time or energy to do it. Yet, we keep on keeping on.
Storms at sea can arise quickly and cause much trouble.
- Clouds roll in.
- Thunder and lightning threaten danger ahead.
- Rain pounds, and waves toss our boats.
Yet, we have no escape, so we batten down the hatches and keep going.
If we keep on keeping on, we refuse to give up.
Instead, we keep doing what we are doing – what we have to do.
Like storms at sea, life storms can arise quickly and cause much trouble. They may also be slow moving day-to-day responsibilities with no relief in sight. Either way, we hang on for dear life and do the best we can.
Most storms soon pass.
The sun comes out, and a rainbow appears.
All is well. Our troubles of the moment disappear.
Other storms remain with us.
Our troubles continue, yet we make the best of a bad situation.
We look for moments of pleasure, like the sudden appearance of whales in a storm-tossed sea.
- Friends call or visit to offer encouragement.
- A funny moment occurs in the midst of many not-so-funny moments.
- We enjoy a brief walk, beautiful music, or favorite foods.
Whether storms come and go or come and stay, we do not have to face them alone.
Other people will help, if they know our need. Jesus promised the presence of His Spirit to all who trust in Him.
When hard times come, keep on keeping on, my friend. May you know God’s never-failing peace.
“I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever” (John 14:16 KJV).
Thanks to a 5-3-20 commenter on Upper Room for the suggestion. First photo by enriquelopezgarre from Pixabay.
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7 thoughts on “Keep On Keeping On”
Yes, I’ve heard “keep on keeping on” for many years. In stressful situations and in joyful situations, we must “keep on keeping on” knowing God is with us.
So true, Melissa. Blessings.
If asked about their longevity, my Grandmother (97.5 years old) and her younger brother (96 years old) will tell you the secret is to “keep on keeping on” or “just keep moving”. Thank You Dianna for highlighting the saying!
Wow, Darin! That’s quite an endorsement. Thank you for sharing and for the related “just keep moving” expression.