Many Hands Make Light Work
Do you have little helpers who remind you that many hands make light work? Maybe your children or grandchildren? Perhaps a neighbor or friend?
Many of my favorite experiences involve children who helped me. Their help may have meant extra time or a bigger mess. Yet, what fun. They learned to work together and to help one another.
Many hands make light work means the more who work together, the easier and faster the work.
Work may be on:
- A garden’s long hard rows to hoe
- Large family meals
- Caregiving for family members
- A youth group project
Many hands may not make the work easy as pie. It will make the work easier.
Many hands make light work applies to all areas of life.
- Jobs
- Family
- Friends
- Community
- Church
- Volunteer work
Take advantage of opportunities to lend a helping hand.
Supporting one another makes life better for everyone – the one who receives help plus the one who helps.
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us—yes, establish the work of our hands” (Psalm 90:17 NIV).
Thanks to Tracy Crump for the suggestion and to Karen Atwood for the photo.
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6 thoughts on “Many Hands Make Light Work”
Amen. Have a blessed week!
Thank you, Melissa. Blessings on your week as well.
Diana, when I read the title, I thought about the harvest. Just think of how much we could do if we only pulled together in the Lord!
Oh, so true, Gail. How I pray we would all do more of that. Thank you for your challenging insight.
As a grandmother, I can vouch for the scenario that many litlle hands can make for a lot more work, but the rewards of working with our little ones are more than worth the mess. Maybe that’s how our Father feels when we try to work for Him, but struggle sometimes. I pray He appreciates our efforts, even when we make a mess.
Oh, what great insight, Katherine. Thank you for that perspective. I pray the same.