Not Have a Leg to Stand On

Not Have a Leg to Stand On

Not Have a Leg to Stand On--deer with one leg missing
Deer Me – No Leg

My friend Sharon recently bought a small decorative deer that did not have a leg to stand on. Actually, it had three legs, but the fourth leg was missing.

Sharon was not sure when she could exchange the deer. Creative person that she is, she used her grandchildren’s play dough to make a new leg. She painted the leg, so it would not look like it wore a cast.

Not have a leg to stand on means we have no support for our thoughts, words, or actions.

Not Have a Leg to Stand On--Deer with play dough leg
Play Dough to the Rescue

No facts back up our position. We lack the evidence we need. This applies to:

  • Personal positions
  • Courtroom arguments
  • Scientific studies
  • Medical trials
  • Educational research
  • Political stands

With no leg to stand on, we have no possibility for success. Regardless of our efforts, we end up spinning our wheels. We waste our time.

When that happens, we need to correct the situation.

Like my friend, we alter our circumstances. We may:

  • Change our stand
  • Take a new stand

Whatever we do, we want to seek and follow the truth.

We don’t give up. Rather, we find a better way. As my friend did with her deer, we fix what’s broken.

When we don’t have a leg to stand on, remember to look to the one who created us.

Not Have a Leg to Stand On--repaired leg
Ready to Serve Again

We may be broken and disabled, but God can pick up the pieces of our brokenness and make us whole again.

“If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all” (Isaiah 7:9 NIV).

Thanks to Sharon Berry for the suggestion and photos.

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8 thoughts on “Not Have a Leg to Stand On

  1. LOL I find myself in that position quite often. Usually it’s when I try and debate with my bride. I learned years ago though, that “When you find yourself at the bottom of the hole, quit digging!” 🙂 Thanks for the smile this morning ma’am.

  2. I’m sure there have been plenty of times I’ve “not had a leg to stand on,” but kept on arguing (because I’m stubborn). Thankfully, when we repent, we are forgiven and hopefully, we learn from the episode and proceed with more wisdom. Thanks for the smile today.

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