Rat Race

Rat Race

As much as I hate rats, I feel sorry for them. The poor things never escape their rat race for survival. Not only do they compete against one another for food, people try to kill them.

A rat race means constant competition.

People compete for:

  • Money
  • Power
  • Success
  • Social status

They struggle against one another for the best position. Although they may not kill one another, they do often damage the work or reputation of competitors.

In addition, constant stress destroys people’s health. Intense pressure leaves little time to relax. Instead, they end up running on fumes.

Many people decide to escape their rat race.

Rat Race--city traffic jamThey choose a slower, more relaxed lifestyle.

When I think of a rat race, I usually imagine big cities. I love to visit New York City, San Francisco, and Chicago. However, I never want to live there. I hate traffic jams and daily crowds.

Instead, give me country life with wide open spaces. My little garden spot of the world suits me fine. I prefer the middle of nowhere to crowded city streets.

Of course, people in the country live with stress too. A too-busy schedule happens everywhere.

All people need moments to relax.

A slower pace gives time to

  • Enjoy the moment
  • Experience all of life
  • Recognize the importance of relationships
  • Give of oneself for a greater good

Work hard, but live well.

“Always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else” (1 Thessalonians 5:15 NIV).

Thanks to Shelia Price for the suggestion. Photo by Rebekah Blocker on Unsplash.

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2 thoughts on “Rat Race

  1. I’ve often heard the phrase “rat race” when learning about big cities and the business world. I don’t like rats. Here in the Lowcountry of SC, my husband and I learned that water rats like to live in attics. Very strange experience to call the pest control people and hear them say, “Oh, yes, we get rid of rats all the time.” Yikes!!!!

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