Saved by the Bell

Saved by the Bell

Saved by the Bell--a small glass bell with a humingbird and flowerSaved by the bell means we escape a difficult situation at the last moment.

A bell rings to end each round in a boxing match. If a boxer is knocked down, he may be counted out. However, if the bell rings first, he can continue the match.

Few of us have been boxers. However, many of us have been saved by the bell.

We escape trouble by the skin of our teeth.

Saved by the bell sometimes applies to embarrassing situations.

  • We fail to write a paper for class. The class ends before the teacher asks for it.
  • We have food on our face. A friend tells us before we meet our new boss.
  • We almost fall in front of a crowd. Someone catches us before we hit the floor.

Saved by the bell also applies to serious situations.

  • We get trapped in a burning car. A policeman pulls us from the car before it explodes.
  • We cannot pay a past-due bill. Unexpected money comes in the mail.
  • We will soon be homeless. Friends ask us to stay with them.

Years ago, a few people put bells on coffins. They thought anyone accidentally buried alive could ring the bell. However, according to The Phrase Finder, saved by the bell relates to boxing, not coffins.

Bear Our Cross: a cross with crown of thornsOur greatest salvation comes through Jesus’ death on a cross.

Jesus died for our wrongs. After three days, He rose from the grave. If we accept Jesus’ gift of salvation, we receive eternal life and a home in heaven. We don’t have to wait to be saved by the bell at the last moment. Jesus offers salvation now.

“He died for our sins and rose again to make us right with God” (Romans 4:25 TLB).

Thanks to Carol York Patterson Brangers for the suggestion.

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